Our Mission

Masks for Humanity is the hub that connects people who need handmade face masks with people making handmade face masks.

We are here to share requests from essential workers: healthcare workers, first responders, groceries, custodial staffs and organizations helping the most vulnerable: homeless shelters, domestic violence shelters, etc. so we can get those who need handmade PPE what they need. We are here to make it easy for mask makers to participate. We are here to amplify all the awesome projects sprouting up.

Our healthcare (and other essential) workers deserve to be safe when they put themselves on the line to treat us. There are shortages of N95, surgical masks and other safety equipment at hospitals across America.

Janitors, grocers, caretakers, etc are at major risk of contracting COVID-19. This situation is infuriating, devastating, and there are some things we can do to help. Let’s channel the anxiety and despair to help one another. 



If you have stashes of N95s and surgical masks, Mask-Match can get your medical grade equipment to the front lines.

If you can sew, you can make handmade masks. Here’s our growing list of hospitals, groups on the front lines, healthcare facilities, community organizations, groceries, homeless shelters, and more and what they need right now



Sew handmade masks for healthcare workers and others who need them. You may even be able to convince some people hoarding medical grade masks to help our brave health care workers on the frontlines by giving their stash and accepting handmade masks for the time being,

Does this sound crazy to you? Yeah, I was reluctant to encourage making handmade masks because I didn’t want to encourage a false sense of security… until conversations with friends and family in healthcare and articles about hospitals calling out for help changed my mind:



Share pics of your works in progress, your masks, your love for others with #masks4humanity. Tag us at @masks4humanity

Everyone Can Spread the word. Tell your friends and family. Tell all the sewers you know that they are needed. All they have to do is sign up.