Share this website with groups in your community that need help. This could be hospitals, doctors offices, eldercare workers, public transportation drivers, grocery store workers, construction workers who gave up their supplies to help first responders, etc.
Do you know someone who sews who isn’t doing this yet? Share this website and sign up for helping so we can share updates with places that need help.
Why are we crafting masks when N95s and surgical masks are what essential workers are supposed to be using?
There is a serious shortage of supplies. Many healthcare workers in hospitals are rationing safety equipment and supplies are running out.
How effective are cloth masks?
They are better than bandanas. This is from a study from Cambridge University.
Source: https://hackaday.com/2020/03/18/homemade-masks-in-a-time-of-shortage/
How to take care of your cloth mask:
The best bet is to wash your reusable mask after each use in hot water and dry on high heat. Some other options (vetted by a nurse): If you live somewhere sunny, place it in sunlight for several hours (if lying flat, make sure to flip and do the other side!). If you won’t be using it for a while, place it in a cool dry place (brown bag is good) for 3+ days and the germs will die off on their own.
Credit: Mary Beth West, RN, BSN
What kind of materials should I use?
Smart Air, using data from the Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness by Davies (2013), recommends a combination of t-shirts and pillowcases.
When you are making a mask, look at the patterns that are being requested and make sure you have the correct materials listed.
Where can I find materials?
Some materials you may already have at home.
We’re also working on a growing list of local stores that would love some business. Watch for updates…
How many should I make?
AS MANY AS YOU CAN! Even if we clear this entire list, there are people in your community who will need them.
Who should I make them for?
Take a look at our request page and look locally first. See how many are needed total and minimum per gift. If a hospital needs 100 and you can only make 10, look at the next local request. Many people on the front lines may be overlooked. This is our opportunity to step up (while following guidelines to stay home and socially distance).
Will this make a difference?
Yes. Articles about requests from hospitals are pouring in. We’ve heard stories of selfless construction workers forgoing their safety to help first responders have the equipment they need. We have spoken with ER doctors, nurses, PCPs (Primary Care Physicians), and have gotten feedback from all of them that this is helpful. Even if it is far from ideal, it’s better than where we are now. Also, we are concerned with the safety of all of the people on the frontlines: our custodians, bus drivers, grocery baggers, etc. They should have proper protection.
Are we creating a false sense of confidence?
We aren’t pretending this is ok. From the CDC’s Health Care Professional Use of Homemade Masks: “In settings where facemasks are not available, HCP might use homemade masks (e.g., bandana, scarf) for care of patients with COVID-19 as a last resort. However, homemade masks are not considered PPE (Personal Protective Equipment), since their capability to protect HCP (Health Care Providers) is unknown. Caution should be exercised when considering this option. Homemade masks should ideally be used in combination with a face shield that covers the entire front (that extends to the chin or below) and sides of the face.”
Where can I find the patterns to use?
Check out our Google Doc where groups needing masks may have specific requests. Click the button below to view the patterns we have found.
I have no fabric, but I have sewing skills.
You probably have something in your house to reuse, if necessary. Also, we have local ALLY stores that are ready to help. Stay tuned for more information…
I heard that my local hospital is overloaded with masks, am I needed?
YES! Even if your local hospital is ok now, check in again.
And check with your local senior center, grocers, bank clerks, delivery people, homeless shelters, etc.
Why are you are asking us to share pics of our work in progress and final goods?
Share why you are helping. Spread the word! Encourage those who need masks to sign up. We want to cheer each other one and people to know that this is one big crafting community. Use #masks4humanity and tag us at @masks4humanity so we can highlight you!
I am an essential worker (healthcare professional, elder care, custodian, grocery store clerk, bus driver, etc.). How can I get a mask?
Fill out this form. If you work with multiple people in your organization, fill it out on behalf of all your coworkers who need them.
Makers will contact you directly, so share as much info as you can. When your need is met, send us an email at masks4humanity@gmail.com so that we don’t keep sending you packages.
How much does it cost?
People across the country are making handmade items to support you. There is no financial cost to you.
I am embarrassed to admit that I hoarded masks and other safety equipment. I get that others on the front lines need them. If I agree to give my safety equipment to my local hospital, can I get some crafted masks so I have some level of safety?
Yes. Thank you for being a reluctant hero. Fill out this form. Also, if you know of friends, family, or neighbors who have masks and other medical-grade PPE, offer them some handmade masks so they can donate their stash to the frontlines.
Makers will contact you directly, so share as much info as you can. When your need is met, send us an email at masks4humanity@gmail.com.
Do you have an email list?
We do.